Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16, 2009

Today was day 7 of radiation therapy. 18 more to go. It hasnt been rough just been really exhausted all day long everyday. After this last chemo, last week, I have began to despise water.'s weird too because anyone who has been around me much knows I drink lots of water and love water! It's so nasty now! Thank you Crystal light lemonade!
Well my Barrett now is about 10 1/2 pounds! He's so good looking and keeps changing everyday! He's started coo-ing more and smiling while awake! He gave me the cutest sweetest smile today; it melted my heart! I'm not going to lie, he is such a joy to have around but it is hard at times. It's hard when I'm so tired and run down, naseaus, or just on days that I'm down in spirits and hurting emotionally. But he is what I'm fighting for. I'm fighting for me and him. He is my world and I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel so blessed everyday to have him in my life. I'm going to try to post now a few times a week. Thank you all who continue to pray for us! We love you! And thank you Aunt Aprile who created this blog for us! You truly are an amazing person in every way! And if any of you would like a "Fight for Barre" bracelet just let me know!


  1. Kim & Barre,We love the pictures! I know Barre loves you as much as you love him, nothing can compare to the bond between a mother and her baby. I was glad to see Sherry Costello had joined the blog. She is your Pa's niece .
    Sweetie, keep fighting and I know you will win this battle. Love you much, Mom Shaw

  2. Kimmy, he really is perhaps the world's cutest baby boy! I'm so glad to hear he's doing so well! And I definitely want a bracelet, what do I have to do to get one?
    -Amanda Keefer

  3. I am going next weekend to see you and Barre (like you didn't know). I miss you Kimby and Barre and can't wait to spend some time with you. I am bringing a surprise from the wilderness of west texas for Barre (no, it's not a rattlesnake-laughing). You and Barre look so good. I can't wait. I love you Kimby..... Dad

  4. hey girl! its Nikki from Tiffany's wedding! I just wanted to drop by and let you know we are praying for you! You look AMAZING!! Barret is soooooooo darn cute, I bet you are having a blast with him! well anyway, I just wanted to drop by and say hi! E-mail me sometime if you ever get bored

  5. Kim, just want you to know that I continue to pray that your body reacts to the treatment you are going through with the perfect results... All cancer cells eradicated and good health restored. Hang tough for that beautiful baby and your life ahead.

  6. Kim, This is one of your long lost cousins..It has been years since I have seen you...Wow! what a beautiful woman you turned out to be! My Grandpa told Grandma(Shaw)once "We sure do make beautiful babies" and I see you have continued with the "beautiful" gene pool! I know you are so proud of him! I have you and Barre at the top of our prayer list! If ever you are in Houston be sure to come see us....the door is always open!

    Love to both! Sherry

  7. Just wanted to let everyone know, the trip to Kimby and Barre went great! He is becoming a 'fat' boy, which is a great thing considering he was born 3lb 11oz. Kimby is doing well, tuff going at times, but she is hanging in there. Barre seems to love sleeping on my chest a lot while we were there. I wonder if it was really my belly he thought was a soft matress......anyway we had good times and I can't wait to visit again. Signed G-PA,,,Kimby's Dad.

  8. Kim, you dont know me I am a friend of Carlee. I just wanted to give you some encouragement. I too had cancer when my baby was 3 weeks old. So not as soon as you but I know how it is having to deal with everything with a newborn. I unfortanately had to travel to Houston for everything so I missed alot of my little one's first year. I had a year of chemo which sucked and a month of radiation. It was horrible but it was the great friends and family that kept me strong and gave me the will to survive. I was bald and proud.LOL Just hang in there and continue to fight and you will get through this.

  9. Kim
    I look at your blog every evening and enjoy
    seeing your beautiful smile. You and Barre
    are very important to our family and we all
    love you both.
    Hugs and Kisses
    Mom Shaw

  10. Hi, Kim
    I'm a niece of your grandmother Shaw and live in Kerrville, TX. Aunt Lou has kept my mom and I up to date about you and Barrett. He is a precious little boy and so cute. I wanted you to know that y'all are in our prayers daily. Your family is very special and I know they surround you with tons of love, support and encouragement. Stay strong.

    Caren Michel
