Monday, November 9, 2009

Surgery went well the cancer did NOT spread! We will know more specifics after the pathology report as far as if she will have to do any chemo. Doctors did tell my brother that Kim will always have to battle this type of cancer...but for now we will take this time to be thankful that it hasn't spread and Kim may get a little break from treatments!!! Thank you for all the prayers and support! Continue to pray for Kim and our family! Love you all!


  1. Kim-This is Casey, from BZ...
    I just wanted to let you know how amazing you are. You are a true inspiration to me and you are so brave! I cannot even imagine what you are going through and the emotions that you must be feeling. Barre is so lucky to have such an amazing Mommy. I know that you'll get through this and be able to see your little guy grow into a man. I will keep you in my thoughts and pray that everything works out for you!

  2. Kim,

    We are so glad that your surgery went well. We are keeping you and Barrett in our prayers. You are a strong and wonderful woman...not to mention a courageous mom. You will beat this!

    God Bless,

    Sherry (Dale) Ha! The West Tx thing.

  3. What a relief that the cancer has not spread!

    Kimmy ... you can really do a lot to continue to fight this disease with eating your veggies. And when I say eat your veggies I mean LOTS of veggies!! Fruits of course are important but veggies (your greens) are your most important in your diet.

    Veggies have anti-oxidants which can treat and prevent cancer.

    I might send you a book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman called Eat to Live which details how we can prevent many diseases and also stop their progression by eating mainly fruits and veggies (and organic veggies)

    I have an obsession with nutrition and hope I can help you with this evil called cancer by sharing some of the knowledge I have gained from my extensive reading on the subject. I missed my Dietician calling I think.



  4. This is Wednesday, 3 pm. I am in the room with Kim on her Aunt Kathy's lap top. Just an update. Kim is doing better, still some pain ofcourse, but they say she probably will go home Thursday. She actually had Taco Bell last night and she enjoyed it. Everyone here at Scott & White have been wonderful. Very professional in a very pleasant and friendly way. Through everything Kim has been through, she still constantly checks on Barre when he isn't up here. She is one great Mom and I am very proud of her. Love ya Kim.

  5. Kim
    I am so happy the surgery went well . Our thoughts and prayers were with you,as always.
    Your faith and determination will contiue to get you stronger every day. We are so very proud of you .Every day remember how much your family loves you and Barre.
    Love ya
    Mom and Pa Shaw
