Saturday, June 27, 2009

May 11, 2009

Well we had a good week last week, as Barrett is now weighing 4lbs and 4 oz!!! They took all tubes out this weekend and he is doing great! The only thing is they are trying to get him out of the incubator and he isn’t holding his temp where it needs to be on his own, so he is still in the incubator. We will pray that he continues to get stronger and his temps will regulate and his weight gain will continue.

Kim had a great first Mother’s Day with Barrett yesterday and is still staying at the Ronald McDonald house, very convenient just across the street from hospital. She was a little shocked that her hair did start coming out so soon. As we all thought, it would happen after her second treatment, but her chemo dosages are very strong so perhaps that is why it is already. She is very open to having a wig and will meet with the lady that does this for cancer patients! We are trying to decide if blondes do have more fun and maybe she should try blonde! Our way of joking! Reality hit her as to what is going on and she knows she wants to fight for Barre. I am proud of her attitude and although she has her days of reality and what is happening to her, she seems to pull herself up. Kim told me this weekend she was really just ready to get the chemo going and really “tackle” this and the waiting is hard. With that said chemo starts early next week so she is looking forward to having a good week this week since the tiredness has subsided and she feels as close to normal as can be expected.

Thank you all and continue to pray that GOD will grace Kim with strength and the will to fight as well as help her not fear what is ahead of her.

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