Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18, 2009

I had lab work drawn yesterday to see if my counts, WBC, RBC, platelets, etc. are high enough to continue radiation therapy. The radiation doc's nurse called today to tell me it's all fine and that I need to go in tomorrow to see the doc and continue radiation. I find out tomorrow if I am just going to do the 5 treatments I missed or if we are going to do more..basically the new game plan. I am having a super tough day emotionally. I am weak physically, keep losing weight, have no appetite, have no energy, keep running to the restroom several times a day, and feel sick to my stomach. I am trying to be positive. I am blessed to have so many people who care and who are praying. Thank you all! Love yall!


  1. Kim
    Keep your positive attitude and we all continue to pray for you daily.I wish I could take some of the pain away . Pa picked out a lil outfit for Barre today and I will mail a package soon. You are always in our thoughts and prayer.
    Love and kisses Mom Shaw

  2. Love you Kimberly, hang in there, as always, I will call you tonite. Love Dad
