Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4, 2009

Today was day 19 of radiation. And i am definately feeling the effects from it all. The last 4 or so days have been incredibly hard. Like Aunt Aprile said I went to the hospital for bad dehydration. I cant eat much at all and keep running to the restroom all day and all night. It's getting rough. Rougher than i have experienced so far. Emotionally it's terrible. Yes, i do cry often. I try to remain strong but it's hard to not cry. I havent been able to eat a meal since Saturday and i am nauseated and make runs to the bathroom all day. I have began to burn from the radiation kinda bad. I know it can be worse but it hurts somethin terrible. I am sorry for being a downer but i just want to keep it real with how i feel and what's going on. I am so thankful for the family and friends and their support. I read the comments you all leave and they touch my heart so much. My Barrett is so wonderful! I love him so much! It's unreal the love you have for your child! I have been so upset lately about not having the energy or strength and stuff to fully take care of him. It breaks my heart. But I know I am in this for him! In it to beat it! Here are a few pics of Mr.Barrett. I just love the way he looks in his cap! and the other pic is of him in the super cute pollo from Aunt Aprile! I love you guys!


  1. Dear Kim
    I must say that lil'Barre is a doll and so dressed up!Kim, I admire you for fighting so hard ,so keep the faith and remember you have so many people praying for you every day.
    I love you very much!!
    Mom Shaw

  2. Kim,
    Barre is adorable!!! His cheeks are probably raw from all the kisses you give him. Stay strong, you have so many people praying for you. YOU CAN BEAT THIS!!!!!

  3. The picture of Barrett with his hat on is so adorable. He is such a cutie. Hang in there girl, we are praying for you.
